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Midterm 2 debrief

Overview of how to solve the problems on the Spring 2024 midterm 2. (Not full solutions, just discussion of solution techniques and issues to be aware of -- full solutions available separately.)

From  Leah Berman Williams 25 plays 0  

Worksheet: The Net Change Theorem

Worksheet: The Net Change Theorem

From  Leah Berman Williams 24 plays 0  

Worksheet: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (day 2)

Worksheet: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (day 2)

From  Leah Berman Williams 23 plays 0  

Worksheet: The Definite Integral

Worksheet: The Definite Integral

From  Leah Berman Williams 30 plays 0  

Worksheet: Approximating Areas under a Curve

Approximating areas under a curve by adding up rectangles

From  Leah Berman Williams 24 plays 0  

Worksheet: Optimization (Day 2)

Worksheet: Optimization (Day 2)

From  Leah Berman Williams 25 plays 0  

Worksheet: Optimization (Day 1)

Worksheet: Optimization (Day 1)

From  Leah Berman Williams 27 plays 0  

Worksheet: More Related Rates Setup

A runthrough of how to set up (what we know, what we want, what relates these quantities) three related rates problems.

From  Leah Berman Williams 11 plays 0  

Worksheet: Introduction to Related Rates

From  Leah Berman Williams 24 plays 0  

Worksheet: Derivatives and Rates of Change

Derivatives and Rates of Ch

From  Leah Berman Williams 22 plays 0  

Worksheet: The definition of the derivative

Worksheet: The definition of the derivative

From  Leah Berman Williams 52 plays 0  


Recitation Video for Math F251X. Setup of homework problems related to optimization.

From  Leah Berman Williams 43 plays 0  


Derivatives of exponentials and logs, mini-derivative proficiency, geometric reminders for word problem setups.

From  Leah Berman Williams 29 plays 0  

Intro Video: The Definite Integral

The definite Integral

From  Leah Berman Williams 70 plays 0  

Intro Video: Areas and Distances

Areas and distances

From  Leah Berman Williams 85 plays 0  

Intro Video: Optimization


From  Leah Berman Williams 84 plays 0