From Kari Halverson
Zoom Recording ID: 89816943113 UUID: aHhE9T1oStCsEDg5RTNIdw== Meeting Time: 2023-04-26 01:15:53amGMT -
From Derek Bastille
Staff Recognition and Development Day 2023 Longevity Award Recipients: https://oncilla.admin.uaf.edu/2023_srdd_awards.php -
From Carla Browning
Chancellor Dan White hosted an online forum April 6 at 1 p.m. on Student Success featuring new academic programs, updates from the Graduate School, expansion of the… -
From Carla Browning
Chancellor White hosted forum on enrollment Thursday, Feb. 9 from 1-2 p.m. Panelists shared progress on UAF's strategic enrollment planning efforts and… -
From Nathan Feemster
Dr. Kalir will present a fresh take on the centuries-old practice of annotation, explore the creative and critical qualities of this everyday reading and writing… -
From Molly Anslinger
| 37 37 playsDr. Arrastia and the public will attempt to bring into being “diverse, untidy social dreams” by listening to oral history remixes produced by young people…
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